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            <p><i>NARRATOR:</i> It's one of the most mysterious dinosaurs ever discovered: head like a crocodile, meter-long jaws, a spectacular sail, and an overall body larger than T. rex.</p>
            <p><i>NIZAR IBRAHIM (University of Chicago):</i> There is no animal alive or extinct, that we know of, that looks anything like <i>Spinosaurus</i> .</p>
            <p><i>NARRATOR:</i> <i>Spinosaurus</i> : only one skeleton has ever been found, and, in a single night, it was destroyed.</p>
            <p><i>HANS-DIETER SUES (National Museum of Natural History):</i> It was a catastrophic loss to science, overall.</p>
            <p><i>NARRATOR:</i> Now, after a century of searching, a new skeleton has emerged from the Sahara.</p>
            <p><i>MATT LAMANNA (Carnegie Museum of Natural History):</i> When this skeleton is revealed, it's going to change our understanding of this animal in pretty fundamental ways.</p>

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