<div class="health-steps " data-counter-start="1">
    <div class="health-steps__intro">
        <h2>Simple steps - all fields</h2>
        <p>The default step timeline uses empty nodes to indicate steps.</p>
        <li class="health-steps__item">
            <span class="health-steps__item-indicator"></span>
            <span class="health-steps__item-content">
                <p class="health-steps__item-date">January 2024</p>
                <h3 class="health-steps__item-title">Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</h3>
                <p class="health-steps__item-desc">Hic inventore molestiae excepturi voluptate consectetur voluptas iusto voluptates debitis dignissimos, necessitatibus eos deleniti eius consequuntur dolore.</p>
                <a href="#" class="health-steps__item-link">Soluta dolore impedit</a>
        <li class="health-steps__item">
            <span class="health-steps__item-indicator"></span>
            <span class="health-steps__item-content">
                <p class="health-steps__item-date">February 2024</p>
                <h3 class="health-steps__item-title">Corrupti maxime nostrum voluptatem numquam</h3>
                <p class="health-steps__item-desc">Eaque dignissimos odio dolore nam quia adipisci quidem quaerat corporis iusto deserunt nemo, culpa optio? Suscipit, doloremque sint. Sunt velit quisquam laborum delectus odio ratione modi ad nesciunt earum accusamus?</p>
                <a href="#" class="health-steps__item-link">Nihil nulla</a>
        <li class="health-steps__item">
            <span class="health-steps__item-indicator"></span>
            <span class="health-steps__item-content">
                <p class="health-steps__item-date">March 2024</p>
                <h3 class="health-steps__item-title">Animi modi iure dignissimos laboriosam dolorum</h3>
                <p class="health-steps__item-desc">Officia explicabo soluta tempora quasi necessitatibus reiciendis a laudantium labore deserunt accusantium suscipit, itaque illo! Necessitatibus, ipsam reiciendis voluptate culpa, ullam eos recusandae, harum corrupti sed nihil magnam ducimus aut.</p>
                <a href="#" class="health-steps__item-link">Consequuntur necessitatibus tempora</a>

<hr />

<div class="health-steps health-steps--title-only " data-counter-start="1">
    <div class="health-steps__intro">
        <h2>Simple steps - title only</h2>
        <p>As above but outputting only the title.</p>
        <li class="health-steps__item">
            <span class="health-steps__item-indicator"></span>
            <span class="health-steps__item-content">
                <p class="health-steps__item-title">Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>
        <li class="health-steps__item">
            <span class="health-steps__item-indicator"></span>
            <span class="health-steps__item-content">
                <p class="health-steps__item-title">Corrupti maxime nostrum voluptatem numquam</p>
        <li class="health-steps__item">
            <span class="health-steps__item-indicator"></span>
            <span class="health-steps__item-content">
                <p class="health-steps__item-title">Animi modi iure dignissimos laboriosam dolorum</p>

Step indicator

Step indicators should be used to:

  • present a series of steps (at least 2) that form a process
  • represent a timeline or linear sequence


Each node can be associated with a variety of fields.

At its simplest, the step title can be used to represent a simple squence. However, more complex ones can include multiple fields, such as date, description and link.


The default step indicator uses simple circular ‘nodes’ to represent elements in a sequence. Two other variants exists:

  1. Numbered
  2. Progress
  • Handle: @step-indicator--default
  • Preview:
  • Filesystem Path: components/01-components/step-indicator/step-indicator.hbs